Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Books to curl up with in a cozy nest box

Books are rather cumbersome things, aren't they? I find if you can open them with your beak and scratch some of the pages out, you'll get yourself a nice bit of bedding for your nest boxes. Not that I'm at all like Martha Stewart, but some of those pulp fiction tomes make for a very functional nest. Some of those glossy coffee table books have very thick, rough paper. I wouldn't bother trying those, it's like sleeping on the ground for heavens sake.

I have heard talk of a hen who can actually read over at the Cuthbert Farm. She's a wild thing, talking about aliens and meteors falling from the sky. That's all we need to start a riot! I hope she comes to her senses and keeps her beak shut.


Who laid the golden egg?

Seriously girls, who laid it? And it's quite the mystery how it got WORDS on it. No one is fessing up? Well, I guess I'd be embarrassed too if I had such an abnormal egg come out of me. We'll hide it from the humans and gaze upon it's shininess on those cold winter days ahead.

Seems someone's been fooling around with the roosters, um, I mean LetterJames. http://www.letterjames.com/start.php?mod=image-personalization

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It seems there's a blog for everything. Lucky for us we're able to get one about the Dewey Decimal Classification. Frankly I don't understand why eggs need classification. What they really need is a good sit down with a hot cup of tea. But seriously, I hear there's folks out there who actually like to classify things, so this is the place for them. They even go so far as to call one of the posts "Organizing knowledge with our friends." It's good they have friends, because normal folks just wouldn't understand. If you're thinking you'd like to do some community service, you could be their friend for a day. Check it out at http://ddc.typepad.com/.

So many eggs, so little time

The girls and I visited Bloglines today and we saw all the cool stuff you can subscribe to. There weren't very many chicken related topics, but we did sign up to get all the latest and greatest books from the library about chicken through the library's RSS feed. I don't know if we'll have too much extra time to come back though. We're very busy obsessing about our adolescent appearance, and what the boys wrote about us on the nest box wall. Oh well, soon we'll be laying eggs and wondering where those eggs keep disappearing to every day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Energy from the sun?

Turkey Lurkey and I went to Lowe's the other day to get some solar lights so we're not so afraid of the evil darkness. Well, you wouldn't believe the teeny tiny bit of light those things give off. I couldn't read my favorite novel (Poultry in Motion) by it, let alone have my fears assuaged. I hear there's been a man on the moon, but that sure ain't helping us chickens.