Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chiki wiki

Wiki sounds a lot like tiki and that makes me think of torches and roasting marshmallows in summertime.* I asked Goosey Loosey and she said there was a Chicken Wiki, but it wasn't very good and she didn't see how it related to the library, but here it is anyway: Seems like we should get on this wiki and help out the poor schmo who's running the show. We could teach him a thing or two. He should add a link to his wiki that goes to the library since they have so many cool books about chickens; non-fiction of course, and some good fiction too.

*Of course we can't roast marshmallows ourselves, but if some nice person were to do it for us we'd be most grateful. We'd end up in a sticky wicket, but hey, there's sacrifices to be made every day.

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