Who knew chickens could write poetry. Seems rather easy to throw a few sorta related words together and you can call it poetry. Here's what I came up with and it only took me 2 minutes, dang, I'm good! And it helped that Google Docs was so easy to use.
Chickens, chickens everywhere.
Can you find a chicken?
Listen for the rooster,
He'll guide you.
But be warned, he's protective and mean.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Chickens in the sandbox
Who says chickens don't like to play in the sand? We love it!! We tried to make a sand coop, but things just didn't work out with these unhelpful claws. However, we did enjoy eating some of the sand for our daily grit ration. We thought it would be fun to add a picture of Melville Dewey to the decor of the sandbox. Shoot that place needs some sprucing up.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Chiki wiki
Wiki sounds a lot like tiki and that makes me think of torches and roasting marshmallows in summertime.* I asked Goosey Loosey and she said there was a Chicken Wiki, but it wasn't very good and she didn't see how it related to the library, but here it is anyway: http://chickens.wikispaces.com/ Seems like we should get on this wiki and help out the poor schmo who's running the show. We could teach him a thing or two. He should add a link to his wiki that goes to the library since they have so many cool books about chickens; non-fiction of course, and some good fiction too.
*Of course we can't roast marshmallows ourselves, but if some nice person were to do it for us we'd be most grateful. We'd end up in a sticky wicket, but hey, there's sacrifices to be made every day.
*Of course we can't roast marshmallows ourselves, but if some nice person were to do it for us we'd be most grateful. We'd end up in a sticky wicket, but hey, there's sacrifices to be made every day.
Open WorldChicken

I heard through the grapevine about this new thing called Open WorldCat. Some business about sharing the OCLC database with the world. I don't see why they chose a cat as their mascot. Chickens are smarter, lovelier and can fly (when their wings haven't been clipped). Chickens have been serving man and the world since time began. Seems like cats are only on this earth to look down on you. I beg you to name one culture that doesn't have chickens. Those folks at OCLC are a few eggs shy of a dozen if you ask me.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Delicious? Ahem, I think not.
Through the del.icio.us site I found a video of Gordon Ramsey cooking eggs. By typing in 'eggs' I was hoping to learn how to lay a golden egg. That'll teach me to be more explicit in my searching. I had no idea that's what the humans do with our eggs! How can they do such a thing. Where's Foghorn? We have to do SOMETHING about this outrage!
Wedding gifts
So you don't know what to get your best friend for her wedding? I've got just the solution. Silver-plated feeder and waterer will fit the bill perfectly. They're durable and pretty. Not to mention that you can look for that unwanted extra flap of skin and feathers under your neck when you tip your head back to swallow. Very handy indeed.
Check out some of the sweet tweets I posted on Twitter. I named it after myself. I don't ever get tired of seeing my new, married name in print. HennyLeghorn HennyLeghorn HennyLeghorn. Ahhhh.
Check out some of the sweet tweets I posted on Twitter. I named it after myself. I don't ever get tired of seeing my new, married name in print. HennyLeghorn HennyLeghorn HennyLeghorn. Ahhhh.
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